Wednesday, February 5, 2014

naa nana naa naa bad boy

School, home work, dictations are all a part of my life and I have happily adapted to it. Riding the bus to and from school is the most important experience that I am getting. Life lessons from the bus bully is preparing me for competitive environment so early on.

This boy R who sits like a small mouse in the bus in the morning when bigger kids are around turns into a bully on the ride back when only KG kids come back mid day. Seeing that I am a new kid to ride the bus he has been calling me bad girl and other bad words (even quoting him will land me in trouble with my parents).  ammA heard from another parent who reported that R had bitten her son's finger and her son had to be taken to the hospital. She has been asking me not to talk to R, ignore and move away.

But I could not take it anymore and without telling ammA, I went to R's class and reported to his teachers. On the way back R came up to me and said he will call me a good girl if I bring chocolates in a bag for him from home. I wonder if this was his version of an apology since his teachers had spoken to him. I asked ammA if I should be taking chocolates for him and I almost knew ammA's response. "NO.. not at all pAdukA" came the answer.

"Yen avanakku chocolate kudukanam (why should I give him chocolates?) avan bad-a irukkaan ( he behaves badly) naan kudukka maatten (I will not give him)" I thought aloud and went with nothing for him the next day.

Now I have joined force with my friend Prisha who studies with me and also rides the bus with me and we are standing up to R. I have even taught MadhurA to sing "naa nana naa naa bad boy" when ammA and MadhurA pick me up. I am learning the ways of the world and toughening up :)

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