Thursday, December 31, 2009

Paakabaa Letter Santa Thaathaa

Helo Santa Thaathaa,Hello Santa Claus Thaathaa,
you waan?I want the following things this year:
phone batty No appaa good phone and some batteries that when I take and play with, my appa will not say "No".
aaloo, beebaa, ausher, arnee, cookaa, coloElmo, Big Bird, Oscar, Ernie, Cookie Monster, Grover
sapatam, paper picheea pustakam (book) that I can happily tear (pikkaradhu) the papers from.
isheem, oshenj joosamma, paalu, nummy paal, shaapaaIce cream, Orange Juice, Water melon (pazham), yummy chocolate milk, Pasta
diapu shopa diaper that can absorb everything away so it does not need to be changed everytime
sheenam, aanai, thoo jeejaa, py zeebaa, nama joojooLion (singam), Elephant (yaanai), 2 Giraffes, Five Zebras, Nine (nava) Dogs (that you can say "joo joo" to call them)
pore canee, ten bikkiFour candies, Ten biscuits/cookies
(ammaulae paTToo, bumpee, come back)(My amma is calling me "paTTu", "bumby"; I will check and come back)
Barney TV no shopPlay Barney non-stop on the TV
baloo poTTu no aaa oooa good balloon that I can throw around (poTTu) without breaking it, when I will say "Uh Oh"
peekayoo howayou?Play Peekaboo with me and I will tell you "How are you?"

thaa, pees ok? ok? ok?

Will you please give (thaa) me these? Is it OK?


thank you,