Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Obedience Currency

Appa and I just went to the store to buy some stuff to take to India.
I spotted the cookies aisle and started begging for chocolate chip cookies, and was as usual not surprised to hear "No", "Not now", "Paaduka, please, can you stop bugging?". Appa did not want to budge even when some other shoppers seemed to look approvingly at me.
Hmm.. So, I decided to play his game.

I: Appa, naa nicchayaama sonnapadi keppen (I will surely listen to what you say).
Appa: Hmm.. enna sonnapadi keppai? (What will you obey?)
I: nee saapuDu-naa, naa saapuDuven. (If you ask me to eat, I will)
nee moochaa po naa, naa poven... (If you ask me to go potty, I will)
sure-aa nee Angry Birds viLayaaDu naa naa viLayaaDuven (If you ask me to play Angry Birds I will)
nee chocolate chip cookie saapuDunaa saapuDuven (If you ask me to eat chocolate chip cookies, I will)
Appa laughs aloud and gets me a big back of chocolate chip cookies.

Today, the only currency to buy my parents' support is my Obedience.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Rani Lakshmi Bai avatar

I know it is a little early to experience bullying at this age but I guess kids start early these days. I went to "Pump it Up" (Aug 2011) with ammA, and was climbing up and down the inflated slide and was having a good time. A group of kids came along to play on the slide. I tried to join the group to have fun. Suddenly a little boy who came behind me on the slide started shouting "hey see here, pirate girl". I did not know if he was talking about me or what it meant. I continued to play while this kid continued to call me "pirate girl.. pirate girl, you are slow, you suck.. move move.." Other kids in the group joined to tease me more. ammA called me aside and asked me to go to a different place to play. I did not budge. I slowly understood that the kids were making fun of me. Every time I climbed in front of the boy who started calling me "pirate girl" and slowed him down and shouted "Don't say pirate girl. My name is pAdukA". After a while, ammA forcefully pulled me away from the play area and took me else where to play. ammA was surprised with my behavior and reported this to appA . Surprise... appA was happy that I stood up against the bullies and said "good job".

yay... Rani Lakshmi Bai indeed...